
Vacuum Cooling and Baking has a short history in time, but an impressive one in results. Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family launched this new product group in 2014. Now our solutions are integrated in production lines all over the globe.

We are the world market leader in the Industrial Bakery segment. At Vacuum Cooling and Baking, we combine superior technology knowhow with machines produced according to the highest quality standards, tested by NASA-developed software for durability.


As of the 1970s, the bakery industry started to apply the vacuum cooling technique on a small scale. However, those systems were very expensive and the results were inconsistent.

Since the beginning of this century, vacuum cooling systems became more affordable and much more reliable.


Around the close of 2013, Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family responded to this trend by establishing our branch: Vacuum Cooling and Baking Solutions. From then on, the vacuum cooler was added to our product portfolio in addition to the existing cooling solutions. Over the years, we have worked constantly on product development. Since we introduced our batch chamber and continuous vacuum in March 2014 at Europain in Paris, we’ve developed, produced and installed various systems worldwide.


In the coming years, we aim to continue to win over the world with our revolutionary techniques and developments.
