
Vacuum originates from the Latin word ‘Vacuus’, which means empty.
The history of vacuum technology goes way back. In the Ancient GreeceDemoctritus (450-375 BC) mentioned the empty space between molecules. Aristotle denied the existance of Vacuum, because it conflicted with the idea that nature consisted of the four elements: water, earth, air, and fire.

Evangelista Torricelli

In the 17th Century Otto van Guericke demonstrated the power of air pressure (The Magdeburg Hemisperes). In 1644 Evangelista Torricelli was the first one to successfully produce of a vacuum in what is known as the Torricelli experiment. In modern society many details about vacuum are studied and discovered. The principle brings whole new opportunities to our life, including the production of food. 


1. Preparation, proofing the dough

The recipe largely decides the result of the end product. The ingredients and additives are composed and based on the traditional baking process. Successful introduction of Vacuum Cooling and Baking may require an adaption of the recipe. 


2. Baking, time and temperature

The traditional baking temperature time is the second step in the process. Once pressure of air is reduced, this brings down the boiling point of water. In the Vacuum Cooling and Baking process the boiling temperature is reduced to just several degrees Celsius which influences the speed of the baking process and allows manipulation of the moisture and stability of the product. The baking time is reduced significantly. 


3. Cooling down the product

When produced under Vacuum, the traditional cooling time of the product is diminished. In industrial bakeries, spiral cooling towers can be replaced by Vacuum Chambers just 10% of their size. The cooling time for traditional bread production comes down from ca 120 min to just 3 minutes. Not only does this bring substantial savings to the production time and improvement of the capacity, it also dramatically reduces the contamination phase, resulting in a much lower contamination and at the same time impressive extension of the shelf life. 


4. Finish

The production time has been reduced significantly and the product quality has been improved on many aspects. The product is now ready for packaging, shipment and consumption.

Graphic of baking time Vacuum Cooling & Baking compared to conventional cooling


The principle of Vacuum Cooling and Baking is based on mastering the conditions under vacuum. If pressure is lowered, the boiling point comes down and can be reduced to just 7 degrees Celsius. This effects the baking process which can be controlled in detail.



A Vacuum Cooling System requires less space. In continuous production the space reduction can be up to 90%



Subsequently the time-reduction has a substantial impact on the energy consumption, varying on the individual situation.




Because of the effects of Vacuum Cooling and Baking on volume and the stability of the product and the reduction of the contamination. The composition allows a reduction of ingredients and additives.


Production time

The production time is reduced up to 40% depending on the product.




All the mentioned savings have a serious financial impact, depending on the individual situation.

Product Advantages

The product can be accurately manipulated leading to:


Product Volume

  • Increased volume of the cooled product
  • Increased texture of the product
  • Increased stability of the product

Product Appearance

  • More intensive coloring
  • Balanced and equal product surface
  • More attractive overall product appearance

Product Composition and Flavour

  • Reduced loss of moisture
  • Higher degree of starch gelatinization
  • Possible reduction of preservatives
  • Reduction of acrylamide
  • Better taste

Extension of the Shelf Life

Due to the rapid cooling of the product in the Vacuum Cooling and Baking process, the contamination phase -temperature in which the cell division takes place every 6 minutes-, is reduced to approximately 3 minutes. The product is healthier and the shelf life is extended up to 30%.


Product Capacity

Due to the reduction on production space and time, production capacity is increased substantially.
